Pirinioetako gune turistikoetan neguko sasoia bukatzean, bertakoek, hilabeteetan zehar lan eskerga egin ondoren, herrixkak zelan husten diren ikusten dute. Hala ere, bisitariek utzitako traste eta zaborrak, eta haien beharrak asetzeko eraikitako azpiegiturak han gelditzen dira.
Hori da uzten dieguna, herri senik gabeko toki desitxuratuak, turistentzako ekoizpen zentro huts bihurtu direnak.
Zalantzarik gabe, gure jarrera hauek, mendiko komunitateen biziraupen ekonomikoaren haitzakipean defendatzen direnak, giza eta komunitate-harremanak modu bortitzean aldatzen dituzte.
Kontsumo ohiturak, eta hauek asetzeko hirigintzak, arkitekturak eta kudeaketa turistikoak hartutako moldeek mendiko komunitate eta haien paisaietan duten eragina aztertu nahi duen hausnarketa bisuala da Hors Saison.
As the winter tourist spots in the Pyrenees close for the year, the local residents see their villages empty after months of hard work. The abandoned objects and garbage left behind by visitors, as well as the infrastructures built to meet their needs, remain in place, though.
This is what we leave them, disfigured places devoid of community goal, transformed into mere production centers for tourists.
There is no doubt that these actions, sometimes based on the idea of mountain communities’ economic survival, change social and community relations in a brutal way.
Hors Saison is a visual exploration on how consumption habits and the schemes adopted by urbanism, architecture, and tourism management to meet these needs have transformed mountain communities and their landscapes.
My name is Mikel Ibarluzea Barruetabeña, born and raised in Bilbao, I am a photographer and graphic designer interested in space and time, earth and sky, built and void, nature and urban. Nowadays mainly working in architecture and landscape photography, I try to explore how we live and interact with our enviroment as a community.
© pictures and text by Mikel Ibarluzea Barruetabeña